Sunday, March 18, 2012

Post 18: Ten Years Ago!

On the 30 post journey..Post 18 is a picture of you from 10 years ago. are some pictures from good old 2002!

This was before any kids! Good times! My parents and my siblings and my niece look so young! I guess Matt and I look younger too. Time sure flies!

AND one of my most favorite pictures of Matt was also from 10 years ago. He looks sooo handsome in this picture. We went to see my friend Allison's baby. Last night I read her post about how her daughter is now 10! What a coincidence-wow.
There are some things that have not changed...but a bunch of stuff HAS changed. Looking through my 2002 pile..I found these babies. I sure miss my dogs! This is my favorite picture of Dixie. There is also a picture of Pepper after a haircut-I loved her after a haircut! The bottom picture is of my car 10 years CRV. I shoulda hung onto that star for a little while longer-I loved it so.
And while I was thinking about 10 years ago, I started to think about 10 years before that! The top picture is of me and my brother and sisters. This is one of my favorite pictures. I think it also shows the differences in our ages! The bottom picture is of my parents and my sisters and my niece. My family is so fun, I wouldn't trade them for anything!
AND while I was thinking about 20 years ago...I started thinking about 10 years before that! I can't believe I am old enough to go back to pictures 30 years ago!! BUT...I am 30 years older than here I am before I started Kindergarten..which is Jamie's age RIGHT NOW. I think we look a lot alike!! Speaking of which...I actually registered Jamie for Kindergarten! I think this will be harder for me than Lauren starting!


Cathy said...

Wow!! Both of your kids look so much like you! :) Fun to wander down memory lane.

Kelly Lim said...

Cute post! I'm diggin John's ENUF shirt and I can totally remember your sisters being that little, crazy! Thanks for making me feel a little OLDER today!

Misty said...

As someone who's siblings were all pretty close in age, it's crazy to see the picture of you holding your little sister. Time goes by way too fast - can you believe that we've known each other for half of those 10 years?

Ali said...

That was a fun post Rachel! Really took me back. Your kids do look a lot like you. So cute!!