When times get rough...(and I get stressed out when I shouldn't)...I need to be thankful for the great things in my life.
*My wonderful husband, who still after 17 years together..thinks I am pretty.
*My two little kids-who light up my life-and love to snuggle with me.
*My great job that has taken care of me for almost 16 years-with great benefits and lots of vacation time.
*My dreamhouse which is located 2 miles from work.
*My parents who have always shown me unconditional love, forgiveness, and generosity.
*My huge extended family that I have a special relationship with (no matter the distance).
*Wonderful (true) friends that have been by my side no matter what..(especially Melissa, Heather L, Shanna, Nicky and Carissa). ALSO special thanks to Misty who finds a way DAILY to make me smile.
*My sweet cat, who loves to sleep on my feet.
*The fake "grape" smell. Always makes me happy.
*Having WONDERFUL, SWEET, GENEROUS, LIFESAVING neighbors in the 3 houses I have lived in.
*My religion-it gives me a "home" and so much comfort...thankful for Jesus and unconditional love and forgiveness.
*Socks. I love socks-all year long.
*My sisters-who have become such good friends...especially Sarah-I love seeing her at work everyday. I am so proud of her.
*80s music. It makes me so happy.
*Downeast Basic Camis. I LIVE in those things!!!
*My cool boss..who tells me to stop worrying about if people don't like me.
*DANCE...my escape, my passion, my heart.
*"The News"...er...Facebook-which helps me keep connected during my short amount of free time.
*Books...such a great escape.
*Diet Dr. Pepper...a little happiness everyday.
*Thankful that I can grow my nails, my thick hair, and for my "freakishly large bladder".
*There is "always always always something to be thankful for"..so I am sure I am missing a TON of things!!!
This is the list I need to refer back to when I am feeling down on myself, feeling sad, and when I am focusing on my list of things I would change about myself.