I was off of work and I spent all day with my kiddos. Sometimes it is hard to be a full-time working mom...but the good part about it is that I really appreciate the time that I get to spend with them. Usually on my days off I don't go to my parents house because it is their day off too..so I hate to bug them on their kid-free day. They love my kids to death and love to watch them and I hope to keep it that way so I make sure the kids go over there no more than 4 times per week. BUT today was different. We are planning on having my little sister, Ashley's shower this Saturday so we had some details to discuss. It was nice though, as well, to get a glimpse of how my kiddos spend their NORMAL day. They were SOOOO good at my mom and dads, they ate their entire lunch, they didn't fight, they didn't cry-not even ONCE, either of them!! I was shocked and amazed! They checked on me frequently, to shower me with hugs and kisses. When I shared my thoughts with my mom she said "They are always good for us"...such a relief!!
My parents live by the 49th Street Galleria/Fun Dome/Pet Center (whatever you call it)..and when we pulled up to my parent's house we were shocked to see one of the storage builidings for the Galleria ON FIRE!!! We had a great view of the heroic firefighters putting out the blaze. Here is a blurry pic I was able to snap (finally a camera at the right time-just for you Misty and Christy!).
Okay...so here is what I meant this post to be about. I am very proud to announce that I became an aunt for the 4th time over on JUNE 15th. Matt's sister Kristen and her husband Dave had an adorable baby boy weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. Since I had to work on the 15th and it was WAAAYY to busy for me to use the "Emergency PTO" that I had originally scheduled. (I have CRIED every single day that I have worked in the month of June-but that is a whole other post). Anyway, Wednesday I was finally able to go to the hospital to meet the little guy!
Here are my cute kiddos and the proud papa David. I guess the hospitals have this new rule that little kids can't go back into the room to see the babies. The kids were way bummed out that they had to wait to meet little Ethan, but they were well behaved in the waiting room while Matt and I took turns. What a cute little bunch!
Kristen has had a hard time getting sleep in the hospital. She went to the hospital the night of June 14, and she really hasn't slept since! She is so organized and in control of everything so that I can imagine that all the "unknowns" that come along with childbirth and motherhood are really throwing her for a loop. Luckily, she still let me snap a pic! She still looks beautiful. Here is the new mamma, little Ethan, and ME!
Oh my! Look at my hot hubby in this picture! He looks so handsome (if I do say so myself)! He is always afraid of "breaking" a newborn, but he was a sport and held Ethan for a minute so I could get a good picture. AWWW..two of the best looking boys in the planet!!
Look at his tiny little body! Although he is bigger than Jamie was, I can't even imagine my kiddos EVER being that little. He didn't like being unwrapped and he really didn't like my cold hands, but still he didn't make a peep the whole time I was there.
And look at that handsome head and nice fuzzy hair!! Here he is...Ethan David Boothe! What a little stud. I can't wait to see him again!
I ended my nice day off with a delicious dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory with my little family. The server asked me if there was a special occassion and I was like "Yeah, being able to have dinner with my family". It was nice, very nice. It is the simple things that we all really need to appreciate for sure..and for the simple things in my life, I am very grateful.
1 comment:
Love this post~! Love baby's! Love the pic of Matt with Ethan, I do say he is handsome, tell ya that all the time!
Congrats Kristen & Dave
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