I've seen other bloggers blog their conversations, let me attempt. This was our car ride home from my Aunt Jeanette's house on July 24th:
Lauren: I want to be a girl.
Me: Why do you want to be a girl?
Lauren: I don't want to be a boy, they do all the work.
Me: What kind of work do you think boys do?
Lauren: Well...Daddy mows the lawn and he fixes things.
Me: Moms do lots of work too..they cook, they vacuum, they do laundry.
Lauren: Well, MY dad does all of that stuff too, well 2 out of the 3 you said.
Me: Really now?
Lauren: Yeah, Dad cooks more than you do. See, boys do all the work!
Me: What do you WANT to do then?
Lauren: The girls job is to sit on the couch and relax. I want to be the girl.
Me (with Matt next to me grinning and me getting a little defensive and KNOWING that #1-I do A LOT around that house and #2-she hates SHOPPING): Well, I don't think it is that easy, girls do a lot of things....girls HAVE to go shopping! I buy all your clothes and shoes and toys.
Lauren: (After some thought) Daddy goes grocery shopping every week.
I guess I lost that battle. I was totally speechless. It is all true! Matt does so much for our family! Since he is at home at night with the kids, he does do a lot of the the family necessities. I sure am one lucky girl..who apparently just sits on the couch and relaxes, LOL. I wish it were that easy! Well, for now I will let her live in that fantasy, afterall a GIRL can dream.
7 years ago
SO awesome! You're so fortunate to have such an amazing husband in Matt, it says a lot that he's willing to do those kinds of things for your family. And Lauren is such a cutie! Remind Lauren that girls have to have the babies...that was enough to scare me when I was little. lol :)
haha! That is awesome! Matt sounds a lot like Kevin--thank goodness for helpful husbands! ( :
Oh my! I would of loved to hear this conservation!
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