The end of April and into May has been busy busy busy. I am excited that the weather is starting to get a little bit warmer, FINALLY.
The last week of April, my mom's youngest sister, Anita and her husband Howard, came to visit us from Louisiana. We LOVE when they come to visit! I wish that I got to see them more often! AND I wish I had taken more pictures...but here is a cute shot of the two of them.

Our cat, Oreo, cracks me UP! I bought her some yarn, and now this is what we wake up to some mornings, look, I even caught the little pest in the shot (see if you can spot her).

We were lucky enough to get play-off tickets from Matt's work. They are awesome seats and I was so excited to go. My favorite player is #24, Paul Milsap. He always tries so hard and is so humble (plus he is from Louisiana).

My favorite player used to be Fisher, but now he plays for the I can't really cheer for him. He reminds me of my brother a little bit, not quite sure why. Well, it was cool to see all the big name players in person!!

There was this annoying Laker fan in front of me...I kept wanting to punch him! I think many Laker fans are just band-wagoners! I am a Jazz fan in good times and in bad!! I hope one day to be a season ticket holder and attend ALL the games...although we probably won't be able to afford the awesome seats that Discover Card has. AND this will be the last time we get to sit in these seats as they will not have them next year, boo!

Here is a picture of Matt's boss Steve and his daughter, Lauren. It was great to be able to enjoy the game with them.

The 4th quarter was SOOO suspensful, I was a nervous are our panicked faces!!!

And here is a picture of HEARTBREAK!! I was so devastated when we lost! We were in the lead the whole game until the very end and then to lose by ONE measely point! The Jazz always seem to JUST miss it. I am still feeling the ache of our losses at the Finals in the late 90s. :(

The next day was Mother's Day...this is what was waiting for me in the morning. and the first season of Glee on DVD. I love it!!!

Here is a pic of me and the kiddos. They are the best things in the entire world!!

Here is me and my best little buddy! I love this little girl SOOO dang much!

Here is me and the hubs (and Lauren's fancy picture taking).

Here is me and my sweet, handsome boy...Jamie.

We decided to go see Iron Man 2. On the way we stopped to visit Matt's mom. It has been almost 3 years. We think about her every day and miss her so very much. I wonder what comments she would make about my little troublemaking boy!

Lauren was sweet to comfort her dad. That's my girl!

After the movie, we went to a park. The kids had a blast! Look at the cheesers!

Matt was being silly with the kids, it melted my heart to see everyone so happy!

Jamie thought it was so funny to have Matt tickle him! Awww...

My beautiful girl!

I love pictures taken from the back, I wanted to always remember my "little" guy and his cute little butt.

After the park, we went to my mom's house for a BBQ. Here are the kids, sitting on the present my brother and I gave her.

And here is the whole gang...minus Ashley taking the pic.

Matt snapped a pic for us too...

Here is my cute little sister Sarah and her cat, Zoe.

Me, my mom, Sarah, oh and Jamie...he wanted in the pic too.

Me, my mom, and my two sisters, and Jamie again too..silly boy. Ashley is pregnant and due at the end of July. I can't wait to meet little Zander!

Here is me and my folks. The best parents, and grandparents, ever!

All and all, it was a great day. I hope the other mothers had a great day too!
I am still a little shocked that it is May and it is half-way over..time sure flies, when you are having fun! Bring on that Summer fun...I think that I am ready for it.