We woke up very early to head up to Syracuse for a walk in support of the disease Scleroderma, the disease that we lost Matt's mom to. It is always great to see other people who understand what we have been through. Lauren loves any opportunity to see her cousin, Isabella. They were almost inseparable all day!
After the parade and lunch, we came home for a nap...Lauren was so pooped she crashed on the ottoman! I just had to snap a shot:
After our nice nap, we met Greg and Alex and the kids for dinner and we headed to the West Fest Carnival, another first for me. The kids had a blast and it was so wonderful to see the kids having so much fun! I've never seen Jamie enjoying himself so much...and yet he was so serious because most rides involved a steering wheel and he is all about anything car-related!
Here are the three kids riding together in a fire engine...
...and riding a duck
My niece, Maddy enjoyed from the sidelines, she just loved looking at the lights. She is such a sweet, happy, and easygoing baby with a ton of hair and gorgeous blue eyes.
Here are the three kids riding together in a fire engine...