So, a lot has happened this week with the house. Here are some of the highlights.
They have really moved on the three other houses on our street:

We now have all the electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and you can see the can lights (this is the kitchen):

This will be my tub, yes, mine and mine alone:

Wednesday, 9/17/08: This is me in the bedroom window, before there were windows, you can see where the lake will be behind me:

Me, in the garage, with all the windows, before they were installed:

Friday, 9/19/08:...we suprised Matt at work: (Me and Lauren)

Daddy and his kids..he calls them his "monkeys":

The house from the back, with all the windows in:

All the windows in, from the front:

The windows from inside, you can also see the fireplace! I can't wait, I've never had a fireplace!

Lauren and my bedroom windows, (Craftsman style lined windows):

Sunday, 9/21/08: My parents and sisters came to see the house for the first time since construction began. Matt took these from where the lake will be. Can you find Sarah in one of the windows??....

My Dad and Lauren "swordfighting" with property markers, and Jamie couldn't resist the fun!

We can't wait to see what will be happening this week! Stay tuned!
Your house is really booking! How fun!!!! Your kids are adorable and getting so big! What an ol' lady thing to say .... I guess I know what that means. I'm getting old!
So when are you hoping to move in by? It's looking SO great...I love love love the--I mean YOUR tub! :)
HONESTLY - I don't want you to move! But I am loving the house. We need to go on a drive with you guys one night to go see it. Tell me more about this new miracle diet :) OH and too cold... NEVER Remember that we have heaters and a fire pit!
WFW Forever!!!! And I am so sorry about my own speeding issue today. I feel like such an idiot!
Love ya :)
Looking awesome! They sure are going fast. Do you have a move in date yet? I tagged you, hopefully you don't get too annoyed with tags. But check out my blog to see what to do!
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