Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lauren's LAST day of SECOND grade.

Lauren's LAST day of SECOND grade!

Forgive me...these are out of order...but BLOGGER was annoying me too much to fix it.  So here goes.

June 29, 2012

Here is a picture of our neighbor, AJ, (on the right) getting his award at school.  His big ole' grin just makes me smile.!
 Here is our neighbor, Chrystie, on the right, getting her award for "Perfect Attendance".  I am proud of myself I got her to school each and everyday ON TIME!  I should get an award too, LOL.
 Lauren with her best friend, Cela.
 Lauren and her teacher, Miss Pabst.  She was such a good teacher.  She was very strict and kept Lauren in line.

 I went to Lauren's class to take a picture of her "friends" and all of the girls in her class crammed around! Precious! The next picture is Lauren getting her "Outstanding Academics"..this was a tough award and not many people earned it.  I was so proud of my baby!

 AND we have to get the obligitory shots...here she is before school on her first day..with her giant backpack.
 Close up.
 She has grown up way too dang fast!
 *out of order, grr* Here is Lauren on her field day June 27th.  What a cutie.
 Her legs look super long!
 She had had enough by this point.
 She wore the same outfit that she wore on the first day of school...those comparisons should be interesting!

Looking somber at field day. Look out Third Grade, here we come!

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