Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Life In Pictures

Monday is Jamie's 5th birthday. I am still in a little bit of shock about it. 5 seems so old. 5 is when school starts. 5 is no longer a baby. I can't imagine my life without him. I can't remember my life before him! OH GEE!

Here is Jamie and Lauren on May 23rd. He is one month old and Lauren is 3. This is also the day that Matt's mom died. I had promised her pictures of him and I intended on keeping my promise.
He is so tiny. I still have the vest, I am saving it for sentimental reasons.
Look at that crazy hair, crazy eyes, chubby cheeks and funky lips. Oh boy!
They change SOOO fast. Here he is at six months. He was so chubby!
He was also a major drooler!
He is starting to look more like himself here. 9 months:
One year old! Look at his tiny legs! I loved his crazy hair too!
I slicked it down for a few shots, I am glad I did. I love the "two tooth" look too!
That smile of his has a direct link to my heart.
Here he is at 18 months, man-look at me with short hair (ugh).
Jamie at 2. For some reason I just LOVE two year olds. Both of my kids' 2 year old pics are my favorite pics of all!
He loved cars and I couldn't get him to put them down.
I am also keeping these pants, both my kids wore them and they came with holes in the knees.
Here he is at 3...I recently cut his hair and it looks like this again, it isn't my favorite look.
Love his big brown eyes though!
What a stud.
I loved his four year old pictures. It broke my heart to take them down and trade them for his new ones.
What a cutie pie!
Love his Bieber hair!
AND here he is now. I love this little boy so much. He is so affectionate. He is so smart. He is so funny. He has the best smile on the planet. He loves to snuggle. He loves to dance. He loves to play video games. He completes our family. He makes me very happy and very thankful.
Happy Birthday little boy!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter 2012

Okay, I never take as many pictures as I should. AND when I let the kids take the pictures...they turn out blurry. BUT blurry is better than nothing. is the hunk and me on Easter.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of the three most important people in my life! We got to relax on Easter day because we only went to Matt's Dads as my parents were out of town. Weird to not see my folks or siblings on Easter...other than that the day was perfect!
Jamie musta had some sort of growth spurt because he can't fit into any of his dress clothes anymore. SO, I got him a new suit for his birthday pictures and for Easter. He was SOO cute in it, I was soo happy.
My two kiddos are so sweet! Adorable too if I do say so myself.
SEE...Lauren initiated that kiss without me even telling her to! Love them!
Each of the kids wanted to take a picture with my camera phone-hence more blurry pictures. Here is the little prince and me.
AND the little princess and me.
The stud, again. LOVE that smile.
AT Matt's dad's house the kids had a blast with their cousins. Do these girls look alike? I think so-just different colors. Bella is so cute!
Here are four (of the five) Lovato grandchildren. Here they are being "sweet".
Uncle Greg said "everyone make a silly face" and this is what we got!
**Sorry-I had some issues uploading the pictures-so they are out of order**
Here is Lauren by herself. SO big!
My Step-Mom-In-Law, Tina makes SUCH wonderful goodies. After 40 days of no sweets I was in PARADISE. I overdid it though and had a sugar hangover the next day! BUT SOO GOOD! Leave it to me to get no pictures of the rest of the family-but getting a shot of the food. DOH! Sorry family members!
Tina hid like 300 eggs...I am not 100% sure if we found them all!
Lauren was super competitive and had to find the MOST. Who does she get that from?
My adorable niece Maddie. I could eat her up.
Jamie wasn't afraid to find eggs next to the rock wall...I was a little more afraid he would go over the side.
What the Easter Bunny brought Jamie. He has LOVED the Legos and had not put them down since he got them!
What the Easter Bunny left for the family-he knows how much I love Reese's Eggs! (The blue and pink bags were goodies from my sweet mom-they matched PERFECTLY, she was so generous!). Tina gave the kids a bunch of stuff too-but I didn't get any pictures before everything got scattered.
Lauren's treats from EB.
Even the cat got a treat!
Easter is so fun. I love that there is no wrapping. :)
I know that I am late...with my Smartphone I don't get on the REAL computer very often. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter. I am grateful for Jesus and his sacrifices for us. I am grateful for my amazing husband and my precious children as well as a loving and generous family. I am thankful for so many things-great friends and well for the Hunger Games series. LOL. Amen.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jamie's Five Year Pics-The Entire Collection!

My wonderful friend, neighbor and photographer-Bree Gowers took these pictures of Jamie. Oh how I adore this cute little boy. He is such a momma's boy. Matt and I had to laugh...he looks JUST like me (except with short hair) when I was that age.

He looks so grown up in this pic!
He is very sweet and "thoughtful".
I love that smile so makes me very, very happy.
Bree said it was a fast 200 pictures...photogenic maybe?
I guess I will keep him.
Such a momma's boy.
Who could resist those eyes?
Man, he is growing up so fast.
FIVE years old and off to Kindergarten this year!
My brown eyed boy.
Such a cutie.
Daydream believer...
Precious pie.
Here he is in his B-Boy attire.
I shoulda had him do some tricks.
He is even developing beauty marks-like me.
I never realized he had a "butt-chin"...kinda like Gastoff on Beauty and the Beast. LOL.
STOP in the name of LOVE. LOVE-AUTO that is.
Love his crazy mop hair-it grows like a weed.
"Stick by me and I will stick by you".
Mouth full of teeth. Heart full of love.
This shot reminds me of my brother, I've seen him make this look many a time.
James Mathew Lovato.
I get this look many times a day as well.
For the first time EVER his pictures were easier than Lauren's were!
He still has some chubber cheeks.
Awww..Jimmy James!
Thanks for the great pics Bree...I love them all.
I always wanted one of my kids to get Matt's hazel eyes..but I have to say-I do love his big browners!
How did I never notice that "butt-chin" before? Do I have that chin?
Big smile like I told him to.
Cute boy.
What a stud.
Sweet and innocent.
He loves being a "B-Boy" dancer. Or a mini-breakdancer.
I shoulda had him do a trick. He is really good and I can't wait to see what else he can do!
He is looking at me giving him directions.
Pouty face, I know thee so well.
Thanks a billion Bree!
What else can I say?
This smile melts all my troubles.
He also lights my fuse like NO ONE else.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Is his eye-brow raised like the ROCK?
If you look close you can see his stitches. He got those on my ANNIVERSARY. Nothing like a trip to the ER to end a romantic getaway.
He is an expressive boy, guess he gets that from me too.
Did I put pouty face up here twice?
Okay...the end. When I read Jamie all of these things, he said "yes" after all of them! That is my boy in a nutshell. I love him so much. He is the cutest, sweetest little stinker ever. He gives lots of hugs and kisses and tells us like 5 times a day that he loves us. I hope that NEVER ends.
Cutie pie.
If you need a Bree. See how awesome her pics are!
I live this effect! I can see how he would look with lighter eyes.
Thick hair. I was tempted to cut it before the shoot...and glad I didn't. This is HIM.
Okay, the END. Thanks for watching. Drop me a comment and let me know what ya think. Let me know what one is your favorite as I think I am gonna have a hard time deciding what ones to order!!