Monday is Jamie's 5th birthday. I am still in a little bit of shock about it. 5 seems so old. 5 is when school starts. 5 is no longer a baby. I can't imagine my life without him. I can't remember my life before him! OH GEE!
Here is Jamie and Lauren on May 23rd. He is one month old and Lauren is 3. This is also the day that Matt's mom died. I had promised her pictures of him and I intended on keeping my promise.
He is so tiny. I still have the vest, I am saving it for sentimental reasons.Look at that crazy hair, crazy eyes, chubby cheeks and funky lips. Oh boy!
They change SOOO fast. Here he is at six months. He was so chubby!
He was also a major drooler!
He is starting to look more like himself here. 9 months:
One year old! Look at his tiny legs! I loved his crazy hair too!
I slicked it down for a few shots, I am glad I did. I love the "two tooth" look too!
That smile of his has a direct link to my heart.
Here he is at 18 months, man-look at me with short hair (ugh).
Jamie at 2. For some reason I just LOVE two year olds. Both of my kids' 2 year old pics are my favorite pics of all!
He loved cars and I couldn't get him to put them down.
I am also keeping these pants, both my kids wore them and they came with holes in the knees.
Here he is at 3...I recently cut his hair and it looks like this again, it isn't my favorite look.
Love his big brown eyes though!
What a stud.
I loved his four year old pictures. It broke my heart to take them down and trade them for his new ones.
What a cutie pie!
Love his Bieber hair!
AND here he is now. I love this little boy so much. He is so affectionate. He is so smart. He is so funny. He has the best smile on the planet. He loves to snuggle. He loves to dance. He loves to play video games. He completes our family. He makes me very happy and very thankful.
Happy Birthday little boy!