My wonderful friend, neighbor and photographer-Bree Gowers took these pictures of Jamie. Oh how I adore this cute little boy. He is such a momma's boy. Matt and I had to laugh...he looks JUST like me (except with short hair) when I was that age.
He looks so grown up in this pic!

He is very sweet and "thoughtful".

I love that smile so makes me very, very happy.

Bree said it was a fast 200 pictures...photogenic maybe?

I guess I will keep him.

Such a momma's boy.

Who could resist those eyes?

Man, he is growing up so fast.

FIVE years old and off to Kindergarten this year!

My brown eyed boy.

Such a cutie.

Daydream believer...

Precious pie.

Here he is in his B-Boy attire.

I shoulda had him do some tricks.

He is even developing beauty marks-like me.

I never realized he had a "butt-chin"...kinda like Gastoff on Beauty and the Beast. LOL.

STOP in the name of LOVE. LOVE-AUTO that is.

Love his crazy mop hair-it grows like a weed.

"Stick by me and I will stick by you".

Mouth full of teeth. Heart full of love.

This shot reminds me of my brother, I've seen him make this look many a time.

James Mathew Lovato.

I get this look many times a day as well.

For the first time EVER his pictures were easier than Lauren's were!

He still has some chubber cheeks.

Awww..Jimmy James!

Thanks for the great pics Bree...I love them all.

I always wanted one of my kids to get Matt's hazel eyes..but I have to say-I do love his big browners!

How did I never notice that "butt-chin" before? Do I have that chin?

Big smile like I told him to.

Cute boy.

What a stud.


Sweet and innocent.

He loves being a "B-Boy" dancer. Or a mini-breakdancer.

I shoulda had him do a trick. He is really good and I can't wait to see what else he can do!

He is looking at me giving him directions.

Pouty face, I know thee so well.

Thanks a billion Bree!

What else can I say?

This smile melts all my troubles.

He also lights my fuse like NO ONE else.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Is his eye-brow raised like the ROCK?

If you look close you can see his stitches. He got those on my ANNIVERSARY. Nothing like a trip to the ER to end a romantic getaway.

He is an expressive boy, guess he gets that from me too.

Did I put pouty face up here twice?

Okay...the end. When I read Jamie all of these things, he said "yes" after all of them! That is my boy in a nutshell. I love him so much. He is the cutest, sweetest little stinker ever. He gives lots of hugs and kisses and tells us like 5 times a day that he loves us. I hope that NEVER ends.

Cutie pie.

If you need a Bree. See how awesome her pics are!

I live this effect! I can see how he would look with lighter eyes.

Thick hair. I was tempted to cut it before the shoot...and glad I didn't. This is HIM.

Okay, the END. Thanks for watching. Drop me a comment and let me know what ya think. Let me know what one is your favorite as I think I am gonna have a hard time deciding what ones to order!!