Saturday, January 14, 2012

Jamie's haircut

I don't know why Jamie getting his haircut is always so traumatic for me. I love his long hair and the personality that I think goes along with it. However, I was the one pushing for a cut this time. It gets a little crazy and crinkley in the morning and it was starting to get tangles (aka tears) so I was ready.

He was a little tired and therefore crabby and not at all happy about getting it cut. Here he is pre-haircut....pouting.

His "not happy" face.
His hair grows so fast, I am always shocked about how much comes off! AND there is even more on his smock!
After the haircut he was exhausted on the drive home. I can't believe that he can sleep like that-but he does it ALL the time!
AND here is the "after" shot.
I like how the lady blended it in...I couldn't bare for it to be TOO short on top.....
And finally we have "HAPPY Jamie"!
He is such a sweet little boy and I am thankful for having him in my life.

1 comment:

Misty said...

Oh my goodness, that kid! He is such a cutieface and always looks so grown up after his haircuts!