Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jamie's Four Year Old Pictures

I was so traumatized by my horrible photo shoots with Jamie as a baby that I STILL get nervous when it comes to going to get Jamie's pictures taken. This time it went very well, no crying at all by either of us. I have been growing out his hair FOREVER and it was finally long enough for the Bieber look he was going for! What a freakin' stud he is!
No one in this world can get to me like he does. His smile melts my heart and when he is sad I feel it deeper than anything. (his fits also spike my blood pressure) LOL. I still wouldn't trade him for anything else.

He is such a sweet boy who constantly tells me he loves me. He keeps himself entertained and can be quite easy going at times. He loves to wear his wide assortment of hats. In fact, given a choice between combing his hair and wearing a hat-he opts most times for the hat.

Those sad puppy dog eyes get me every single time! Who could say "no" to those??

He still has chubby cheeks and has a great smile. He very much reminds me of my brother when he was little.
He is very much a little boy. He loves anything "boy" including guns, cars, action heros, sports, etc. His favorite movie is Starship Troopers, which is only slightly inappropriate.
I love his full head of hair, it is crazy at times, but I totally dig it.
We have our own little codes, nods, winks and thumbs up. I can't believe that my baby is FOUR! Where does the time go?! I sure love this little boy!!


Lamb Fam said...

What a darling, handsome boy!

Mom of three ♥ said...

Cute! Glad there was no crying from either of you, they turned out great! :)