Saturday, September 4, 2010

Do the Pepper

This past Saturday night, Matt and I and the kids sat on the porch for a few minutes. Lauren decided to entertain us with her tumbling skills.

She did a few perfect somersaults and Jamie tried to copy her, unsuccessfully.

Then she asked me "How do you do the Pepper?"

I thought she was speaking about Pepper our dog, so I said "what do you mean 'do the Pepper?'".

She said "Well, I can do a somersault, I want to know how to do a somerpepper".

Matt and I had a good laugh about that one.


Beth said...

Cute! She sure is silly!

Christy said...

Oh...I love what kids say. It makes all of the stress and worry worth it when they crack you up! Cute girl.

BTW: The Buzz costumes were both from the Disney Store different years. If you watch online they go on sale pretty soon.