Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can you spot the difference?



Did you catch that? is NEW SHUTTERS!!!!

I am lucky to have married a guy who is GREAT with financial matters. He is good at holding me back from spending every dime that I make! Well, when we got the new house we decided that we wanted shutters. The problem is...shutters are very expensive! I was like "just charge it"...Matt was like "tsk tsk, we are not going to be paying for the next 30 years for shutters" we (meaning Matt) began to save our money and slowly yet surely we have bought ALL of our shutters! We have bought them in 3 separate installments and we FINALLY got the last set on Friday! We were looking forward to this last piece because we will no longer have to feel like we are in a fishbowl when we are having dinner. I think it makes the house look totally different, I am in LOVE!! It took us about 18 months, but I think it was worth waiting for!


Rachel said...

LOVE them! They look great!

Mom of three ♥ said...

They do look really nice!

Beth said...

Love shutters! I want some!
I want to live in ur house!

Misty said...

Wow, it looks amazing, Rach! I'm so proud of you for not going into debt to get them. Doesn't it feel great to have them and to know that they're YOURS? :)

Kyle and Krissy said...

Wow! They look AWESOME!!! :)